Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Linda-Week 3
Hello my Weigh-In Wednesday followers!  Thanks for checking in with me the last few weeks.  To recap, I want to lose 10.8 pounds by June 1.

This week was great.  I didn't have social activities to prevent progress.  

 I did:
  • walk 13 miles. I had the incline on Level 1 most of the time.  My ankle started screaming a couple of days ago, so I backed off on the incline.
  • stick to my calorie allotment of 1200-1500 most days.
  • exercise 6 days.
I did not:
  • eat fruit as I had intended.
  • eat Toll House Chocolate Chip Macadamia cookies that my husband made Sunday. The house smelled like heaven.  He left them on the counter to cool for HOURS.  Temptation was definitely knocking at the door.

Best Find of the Week:
This Lemon Pepper Tilapa is DELICIOUS!  I'm not a 'fish person' but was clucking from eating so much chicken and tired of turkey burgers.  Mrs. Paul called to me in the grocery aisle and on on a whim I picked this up.  It was sooooo worth it.  There are two fillets in the box.  Each fillet is one serving and 70 calories.  I ate both fillets with a big salad and was satisfied.

Check out this vegetable dish I made for dinner the other night: onions, garlic, orange/red/yellow/green peppers, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, herbs and olives  I topped it with hot Salsa and a generous handful of Parmesan cheese (I counted the cheese as my protein).  It was EXCELLENT and SATISFYING. 


I am amazed at my success this week!  I lost 4.4 pounds!!!  I'm all "what?" and "huh?" at my weigh-in.  (I don't have a scale so weigh-in is always a surprize.) Honestly, I thought the scale needed to be calibrated.  I knew I had worked hard this week but that was a bigger drop than I ever anticipated.  It was the first time that I weighed when I wasn't wearing jeans and a knit much can clothes weigh?  Do you think that was it?

April 26 - May 2 Goals:
Walk 10 miles at Level 1
Exercise 5 days
1200-1500 calories

As long as the scale continues to go down, I'll be happy.

Thanks for your support. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Congratulations!!!! 4.4 LBS, that is great motivation!!! Your veggie dish looks yummy!!

  2. Thanks Virginia! Who knows what next week will be... I have a long history of being a lifetime dieter I soooo appreciate your support!
