Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayers for You and Your Families

To all of my blog buddies in Sandy's path; my prayers are with you.

Heed the warnings.  This is serious, stuff my friends.
Little Tip: We used solar lights. They are safer and easier than flashlights and candles. Hoard ice. Fill cola bottles to freeze.  They help keep frozen food.  Also, you can drink the water later if you need to.

Hurricane Fran devastated us in 1996.  I know first hand the havoc of being in a hurricane's path.

Best wishes and prayers for a safe outcome for everyone.



  1. Thanks, Linda! I'm expecting to lose power here in DC. Fingers crossed. Take care!

  2. Sweet Loi, Take care. Hoard ice! You underestimate it's value until you can't find it. Finger crossed for you, Sunshine. Please keep touch and tell me how you are. Much love!

  3. Sweet post Linda! Yes we will be praying for all!

  4. Thanks for that post Linda. My thoughts are with all those who are in the storm's path.

  5. Although we are inland near Lake Erie and won't get a direct hit, they are forecasting 50 mph winds and huge rains. We are hunkering down for a wet and windy couple of days. Thanks for your thoughts - I know we're not going to be in the worst of it, but it's sweet to know that there are people who care.

    1. Sandy is so fierce. Even this far away we are having strong winds and heavy rain. Stay safe, my dear.

  6. This is very scary...eyes peeled to TWC!

    1. Yes, this a scary storm. We are watching TWC and so worried about the havoc on other parts of the country.
